Jane’s Walk 5280 is a local collaborative effort between the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and Walk2Connect. Throughout the Denver region, the Jane’s Walk 5280 organizers will be coordinating 30-40 walks across the metropolitan area. These walks will be led by and for community members. Leaders share their knowledge and passion along the walking tour and also encourage discussion and participation amongst the walk’s participants.
Seeking Walk Tour Leaders
Jane’s Walk 5280 is actively seeking walking trip leaders from across the Front Range to host walks. No previous experience is needed, training and tips for walk leaders will be provided. Walking trip leaders ideally have a passion to explore, talk about and celebrate neighborhoods and communities found within them. If you’re interested in leading a walking conversation in your community or any spot in the city that you’d like to share with others, please visit our website and submit your walk. www.janeswalk5280.org
A Jane’s Walk can focus on almost any aspect of a community and on almost any topic you can think of. Walks can be serious or funny, informative or exploratory; they can look at the history of a place, or at what’s happening there right now. And, anyone can lead a walk… because everyone is an expert on the place where they live!
Seeking Event Partners
Community partners can support Jane’s Walk 5280 through collaboration, financial contributions and in-kind donations. Please contact event organizers if your organization is interested in being a part of this unique event.

Nate Currey,
DRCOG Communications Coordinator

Walk2Connect Community Program Director